
Increased Utilization of Nonphysician Clinicians: A Newsmaker Interview With Benjamin G. Druss, MD, MPH

Editor’s Note: Patients are being cared for more by nonphysicians than they were a decade earlier, according to the results of a study published in the Jan. 9 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. This report of trends of care by nonphysician clinicians in the U.S. shows that in 1997, 36.1% of patients saw nonphysicians, compared with 30.6% in 1987 (adjusted relative risk [RR], 1.42; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.35 – 1.50). However, this trend was driven by an increase in the proportion of patients seeing both physicians and nonphysicians (30.9% vs. 23.5%; RR, 1.49; 95% CI, 1.40 – 1.58). In fact, the proportion of patients seeing only a nonphysician clinician declined during that time period (5.3% vs. 7.2%; RR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.70 – 0.93).

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