
Levofloxacin Triple Therapy Best Eradicates Helicobacter Pylori

A levofloxacin-based triple therapy drug regimen counters Helicobacter pylori far more effectively than do dual therapy levofloxacin regimens.

 At one-week, the triple therapy achieved a 90 percent eradication rate with no major adverse effects. The eradication rate did not increase with a longer regimen, report researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pennsylvania, the Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota and the Catholic University, Rome, Italy.

In an open-label study, the researchers compared the efficacy and tolerability of rabeprazole/levofloxacin dual therapies given for five, seven or 10 days and the same combination with amoxycillin added for seven days. One hundred and sixty patients with infection documented by the C-urea breath test and histology were randomised into four equal groups of 40 patients.

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