
Canadian Folic Acid Supplementation Cuts in Half the Rate of Neural Tube Defects

A Canadian public-health initiative to enrich cereal grain foods with folic acid has halved the prevalence of neural-tube defects among both unborn and newborn children.

 Based on their results, “we recommend that other countries consider adopting a program of folic acid food fortification, in addition to encouraging increased use of periconceptional folic acid tablets,” declares Dr. Joel Ray and colleagues at the Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre, in Toronto, Canada. The study was done in collaboration with colleagues at North York General Hospital, in New York, United States and University of Toronto, in Toronto.

Periconceptional supplementation with folic acid tablets reduces the risk of neural tube defects by more than 50 percent, yet many women do not receive folic acid supplements before conception, the clinicians point out. As a preventive measure, most of Canada’s cereal grain products were fortified with folic acid by January 1998, providing an additional 0·2 mg per day of dietary folate to most of the population.

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