
Live Organ Donations Present New Ethical Dilemmas

Organ transplantation poses “tough ethical problems” that have been greatly compounded by the growing trend toward transplants that use organs from living donors, not cadavers, a leading medical ethicist said yesterday. If these problems are not addressed, the health and well-being of donors could be short-changed, according to Arthur L. Caplan, PhD, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

Speaking to attendees at a Washington, D.C., conference on quality in organ transplantation sponsored by the National Committee for Quality Health Care, Dr. Caplan said the increasing use of organs from live donors is fraught with ethical land-mines that the medical community has not sufficiently examined. Chief among them is the unwitting violation of the Hippocratic Oath to “first, do no harm.” However, “to do a live donation, a physician must harm someone,” Dr. Caplan said.

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