
Jejunal Interposition Helps Prevent Reflux Gastritis

Jejunal interposition after distal gastrectomy prevents reflux gastritis more effectively than does Billroth-I gastrectom.

However, jejunal interposition does not prevent dumping syndrome and rapid gastric emptying, Japanese researchers say.

 They noted that jejunal interposition after distal gastrectomy had been reported to prevent both duodenogastric reflux and rapid gastric emptying. But until now, there had been hardly any clinical evaluations of the two procedures when performed by the same surgeon.

The researchers studied 30 patients with early gastric cancer located at the middle third of the stomach. The same surgeon performed distal gastrectomy with jejunal interposition on 15 of these patients and Billroth-I gastrectomies on the other 15.

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