
Objective, Subjective Measures of Sleep Disruption Compared in GERD Patient

Although a connection between gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and disrupted sleep has been observed for years, a new study presented here at the 67th annual meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology brings objective data to support this link.

 This is the first study to compare both subjective and quantitative measurements of reflux activity during a sleep study. “Acid reflux events that occur at night are especially dangerous because the acid is not neutralized as quickly as events that occur during the day,” said lead researcher William Orr, PhD, told Medscape.

Dr. Orr is clinical professor of medicine at the University of Oklahoma and president/CEO of Lynn Health Science Institute, both in Oklahoma City. Nighttime events are therefore more likely to be associated with complications, such as esophagitis.

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