
Extracorporeal Albumin Dialysis Benefits Patients with Cirrhosis and Superimposed Acute Liver Injury

Patients with cirrhosis and superimposed acute injury associated with progressive hyperbilirubinemia may be safely and effectively treated in the short term by extracorporeal albumin dialysis (ECAD).

 It may also help increase survival in those waiting for liver transplants, say researchers at the universities of Essen and Rostock, Germany, and the University of California at San Diego Medical Center, United States.

A high mortality is reported in patients with cirrhosis and a superimposed acute liver injury. In this prospective, randomised study of 24 patients, including controls, tests were made to see if ECAD improved hyperbilirubinemia, 30-day survival and encephalopathy. All these subjects had liver cirrhosis apart from one who was excluded from per protocol (PP) analysis because of a prolonged cholestatic drug reaction.

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