
Video Capsule Endoscopy Superior to Small Bowel Radiography

Video capsule endoscopy was well-tolerated and more sensitive than small bowel radiography for diagnosis of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, according to the results of a prospective trial published in the October issue of Gastroenterology.

 “The video capsule endoscope was found to be superior to small bowel radiograph for evaluation of small bowel diseases,” write Guido Costamagna and colleagues from Catholic University in Rome, Italy.

 “However, this novel wireless endoscope system needs further assessment because of limitations such as difficulties in interpretation of potentially nonspecific findings.” Of 22 patients selected consecutively for suspected small bowel disease, two were excluded because of ileal stenosis. The remaining 20 subjects included 13 men, and mean age was 52.5 years. Barium follow-through was normal in 17 patients and showed ileal nodularity in three. Endoscopy with the Given M2A wireless video capsule was normal in three patients and abnormal in 17 patients.

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