
Avidity Assay Points to Duration of Hepatitis C Infection

An assay for IgG avidity in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection may be useful in distinguishing primary infection from chronic disease, Japanese researchers report in the October issue of the Journal of Medical Virology.

 Dr. Atsushi Kanno of Tohoku Koseinenkin Hospital, Sendai, and Dr. Yukumasa Kazuyama of Kitasato-Otsuka Biomedical Assay Laboratories, Sagamihara, note that in HCV it is “important to distinguish acute infection and chronic infection when considering treatment.” However, “seroconversion of antibody to HCV (anti-HCV) is currently the only reliable marker to identify primary HCV infection,” they write.

 To determine whether an enzyme immunoassay for anti-HCV IgG avidity might also be useful in this regard, the researchers tested the avidity assay in 36 anti-HCV-positive immunocompetent patients.

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