
COX-2 Inhibitor Prevents Liver Metastasis of Colon Cancer in Mice

JTE-522, a highly selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), inhibits the liver metastasis of colon cancer cells in nude mice, according to a report in the August 10th International Journal of Cancer.

 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the risk of cancer by up to half, the authors explain, but the mechanism of this protective effect is unclear.

Based on earlier reports suggesting that COX-2 inhibitors might inhibit colon cancer proliferation and angiogenesis, Dr. Nobuya Yamada and colleagues from Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine in Osaka, Japan investigated the inhibitory effect of JTE-522 on the proliferation, invasion, and liver metastasis of colon cancer.

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