
גיל התורם משמעותי בהשתלות כבד מבחינת הצלחת ההשתלה בטווח הארוך

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Aug 12 – Advanced donor age is associated with rapid progression of fibrosis in livers transplanted into recipients with hepatitis C, according to a report in the August issue of Gut.

 Age and sex differences affect the response to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, the authors explain, but few post-transplant studies have investigated the influence of donor age and sex on the outcome of “inevitable” reinfection of the grafted liver.

 Dr. David Mutimer and colleagues from Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the University of Birmingham, UK, examined 101 post-transplant liver biopsies from 56 patients transplanted for HCV infection to determine the rate of fibrosis progression and its association with donor age and sex. The overall median fibrosis progression rate of 0.78 fibrosis units per post-transplant year was such that half the patients would exhibit cirrhosis within 7.7 years of transplant, the authors report.

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