
Endoscopy In Childhood Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Needed Only When Severe

Pathological reflux in children is associated with only mild esophageal inflammation or none at all. As the condition is unlikely to deteriorate, endoscopic control could be confined to cases with severe esophagitis, Finnish researchers reported.

 The consequences of chronic gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) starting in childhood have been little studied. Thus, researchers led by Dr. M. Ashorn, department of pediatrics, University of Tampere, Finland assessed the usefulness of endoscopy upon initial diagnosis of GERD in children. They also investigated the long-term course of the disease in children.

 The researchers evaluated 76 files of children who had been endoscoped because of persisting symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux. Infants with GERD and children with neurological impairment were excluded from the study. Medical therapy and symptoms preceding it were noted. Clinical outcome was assessed at the end of follow-up.

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