
High-Dose Folate Supplementation Reduces Cell Proliferation in Colorectal Polyposis

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jul 31 –

In patients with recurrent adenomatous polyps of the colon, supratherapeutic folate supplementation reduces the proliferation of colonic mucosal cells. The British investigators who report this finding in the August issue of Gut, suggest that long-term folate supplementation may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer in this population.

Dr. K. Khosraviani, of Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast, and colleagues randomly assigned six such patients to receive a dose of folic acid 2 mg/day for 12 weeks, and five to receive placebo. The patients underwent rigid sigmoidoscopy at baseline, 12 weeks and 18 weeks, with four biopsies taken from the rectal mucosa at 10 cm from the anal verge.


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