
ERA-EDTA: Ribavirin Beneficial in Renal Transplantation Patients with Hepatitis C

Ribavirin therapy in renal transplant recipients infected by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) appears to be beneficial for renal function, researchers reported July 17 at the 39th Congress of the European Renal Association, European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA). Ribavirin therapy following renal transplantation in patients infected with HCV improves liver enzyme levels but has no impact on liver histology, according to researchers led by Dr. Nassim Kamar from the department of nephrology, dialysis, and transplantation, CHU Rangueil, Toulouse, France.

Long-term graft loss and mortality increase significantly in HCV-positive patients following renal transplantation and alpha-interferon treatment is associated with high rates of acute rejection.

Therefore, Dr. Kamar’s team performed a prospective trial on the use of ribarivin monotherapy in these patients. They initiated 16 patients aged 34 to 62 years on a daily dose of 100 mg ribavirin. If necessary, the dose was adjusted according to hemoglobin level.

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