
NIH Consensus Conference Notes HCV Treatment Advances

June 14, 2002 —

In a consensus conference held from June 10-12 on hepatitis C (HCV), a panel convened by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) highlighted treatment advances and declining incidence of new infections.

 However, contaminated blood products, occupational exposure, and intravenous drug abuse before introduction of routine screening in the early 1990s may contribute to a projected fourfold increase in persons with chronic HCV infection over the next decade.

 Expected complications of chronic HCV infection, which are the most common indications for liver transplant, include cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease, and liver cancer. New combination therapies and their application to previously ineligible groups, including children and intravenous drug users, were a major thrust of the conference.

 “All patients with chronic hepatitis C are potential candidates for antiviral therapy,” the statement says, emphasizing the need to treat those with persistently elevated liver function (ALT) values who are at greatest risk for progression to cirrhosis

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