DDW: High Cost Of Waiting Too Long

MÖLNDAL, SWEDEN — May 24, 2002 —

 We’ve all delayed scheduling a doctor’s appointment at one time or another, for a whole variety of reasons: perhaps we’re busy, we’re embarrassed, or we’re worried about the potential diagnosis and treatment.

 The real concern is when we wait too long and the problem becomes more serious. New research, released at the US Digestive Disease Week (DDW) in San Francisco, highlights just that, the increased health risk of enduring chronic heartburn. Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may affect approximately one quarter of the population.

 The most common symptoms are frequent heartburn (more than twice a week) and regurgitation of gastric acid. Up to one half of GERD patients experience extra-esophageal symptoms. All of these symptoms are caused by the reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus, which happens when the valve linking the stomach to the esophagus does not completely close.

Not only does the reflux of gastric acid cause burning pain, but the soft tissue lining the esophagus may also be damaged. About one third of those with GERD will develop open sores of the esophagus, a condition known as esophagitis. A smaller group of sufferers may go on to develop Barrett’s esophagus, a more serious complication by which the esophageal lining hardens and thickens. There is evidence to show that people with Barrett’s esophagus have a higher risk of developing esophageal cancer.

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