
Hepatic Stellate Cell Marker Tied To Degree of Hepatitis C Liver Injury

By Anne MacLennan

Severity of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection is correlated with intrahepatic expression of the hepatic stellate cell marker fibroblast activation protein.

This is the finding of an investigation of the link between expression of hepatic stellate cell markers and liver damage in these patients in Sydney, Australia undertaken by Miriam T Levy and colleagues from the Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology and other centres. Recognised by their smooth muscle actin immunoreactivity, activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are primarily responsible for liver fibrosis.

However, presence of smooth muscle actin positive HSCs is not always associated with development of this condition. Recently, other markers of human HSCs, including the gelatinase FAP and glial fibrillary acidic protein have been identified. The researchers used immunohistochemistry to examine liver tissue from 27 patients.

Staining scores were then compared with the stage and grade of liver injury (using linear

correlation analysis).

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