
Chemoembolization Improves Survival in Liver Cancer

NEW YORK (MedscapeWire) May 22 — Chemoembolization should be the standard approach in selected patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma, based on improved survival in a randomized trial described in the May 18 issue of The Lancet.

“There is no standard treatment for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma,” write Josep Llovet, MD, from the University of Barcelona, Spain, and colleagues. “Arterial embolization is widely used, but evidence of survival benefits is lacking.”

In this multicenter trial, investigators randomized 112 cirrhotic patients with unresectable liver cancer to receive arterial embolization using a gelatin sponge to block blood flow to the tumor; chemoembolization using the gelatin sponge plus doxorubicin; or conservative treatment

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