
Maintenance on Infliximab Gives Better QOL in Crohn’s

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — May 23, 2002 —

Patients maintained on a schedule of infliximab treatments rate their quality of life as better than patients who only get a single or a few doses, according to expanded analysis of the results of the ACCENT I trial presented here today at the 103rd annual meeting of the American Gastroenterological Association and Digestive Disease Week (DDW).

Scores on the SF-36 scale improved, with sustained infusion schedule, by a mean of 6 points. “Five is a meaningful change in the scale” the study used, said lead author Dr. Brian Feagan of the London Health Sciences Center in the U.K.

 Feagan said “there’s been a lot of quibbling about how sick were the patients in ACCENT 1.” He said that the patients in the trial, before treatment, rated their quality of life on average, as “what you would find in acute bacterial pneumonia.”

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