
Patients Awaiting Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy – Could Helicobacter pylori Be the Main Cause of the Symptoms?

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — May 20, 2002 —

 Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) may be the cause of symptoms for patients awaiting laparoscopic cholecystectomy, researchers report.

 In a poster session at Digestive Disease Week in San Francisco, Dr. Jackson and colleagues from Cottingham, England, reported that symptoms improved in 16 of 22 patients who had successful H. pylori eradication therapy.

 They also found there was a greater incidence of H. pylori in patients with known gallbladder disease (22 percent) compared to the general population (15 percent).

 During a two-year period, all patients on the waiting list for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) underwent a 13c-urea breath test to establish the presence of H. pylori. Positive patients underwent eradication therapy.

Two months after being treated they underwent a repeat 13c-urea breath test to establish if successful eradication had taken place.

 In addition, symptomatic responses were assessed. The researchers enrolled 33 men and 97 women, between 24 and 100 years of age. Six men and 23 women were H. pylori positive. Those who were positive were treated with triple eradication therapy with the Heliclear pack.

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