
Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy Reduces Bioavailability of Dietary Vitamin C

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — May 20, 2002 —

Proton pump inhibitor therapy appears to lower the bioavailability of dietary Vitamin C, researchers reported here Sunday at Digestive Disease Week (DDW).

This finding is likely to be of clinical significance in patients with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) who have a deficient dietary intake and low plasma vitamin C concentration pre-treatment, says a research group from Glasgow, Scotland. Reporting their findings during a poster session, they said the further reduction in systemic vitamin C in H. pylori positive patients during proton pump inhibitor therapy may contribute to their propensity to develop atrophic gastritis during such therapy.

The research team, led by Dr. Elaine Henry, examined the effect of elevations in intragastric pH, which occur during proton pump inhibitor therapy on the bioavailability of dietary vitamin C. Thirteen women and 16 men with H. pylori had their fasting plasma vitamin C measured before and again on four occasions during the last week of a one-month course of omeprazole 40 mg/day.

Using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), researchers measured mean vitamin C values were calculated for each patient before treatment and during the fourth week of treatment. In addition, 24-hour intragastric pH was also monitored in each patient before and during the last week of treatment.

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