
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Stages Rectal Cancer Before Surgery With High Sensitivity

Archives of Surgery

By David Loshak

Magnetic resonance imaging with phase-arrayed coils can accurately and sensitively stage rectal cancer, say researchers at Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.

Although not as accurate as endoscopic ultrasound and more costly, magnetic resonance imaging has ?excellent sensitivity? in detecting transmural penetration of rectal cancer, they say.

The specialists compared magnetic resonance imaging with pathological staging in 28 consecutive patients with biopsy-proven rectal cancer who did not undergo irradiation.

The sensitivity of the magnetic resonance imaging in detecting invasion through the bowel wall was 88.9 percent (n=16/18), and specificity was 80.0 percent (n=8/10). Accuracy was 85.7 percent (n=24/28). Sensitivity for malignant lymphadenopathy was 66.7 percent (n=8/12), specificity was 71.4 percent (n=10/14) and accuracy was 69.2 percent (n=18/26).

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