
H. Pylori Eradication Reduced By Resistance To Commonly Used Antibiotics

By David Loshak

Increased primary resistance to clarithromycin or amoxicillin can reduce the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. This may indicate a potentially serious problem, possibly making it necessary to test for bacterial resistance in order to improve therapeutic efficacy, Brazilian investigators advise.

To evaluate the efficacy of the two drugs and the impact on eradication rate of bacterial resistance to them, the investigators randomly assigned 92 consecutive H. pylori-positive patients with active peptic ulcer disease into two equally sized groups of 46 each.

Group A received lansoprazole 30 mg., amoxicillin 1.0 gram and clarithromycin 500 mg, all twice daily for seven days. Group B was given bismuth subcitrate 125 mg. four times daily day, tetracycline 500 mg. four times daily plus furazolidone 200 mg. twice daily.

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