
Higher Prevalence Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome In Patients With Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease

Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology

By James Adams

Irritable bowel syndrome is more prevalent in patients who have gastroesophogeal reflux disease (GERD).

Investigators from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the University of California Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California, United States, studied 200 patients and gastroenterology motility subjects with and without a potential diagnosis of gastroesophogeal reflux disease.

Two physicians separately and blindly identified subjects with gastroesophogeal reflux disease. Rome I criteria for irritable bowel syndrome was then applied to a follow-up questionnaire sent to the patients.

Eighty-four subjects were included in the final analysis. The others were excluded because of unreturned or incomplete questionnaires.

Results showed that thirty-five subjects had gastroesophogeal reflux disease, and of these, 25 (71 percent) were positive for irritable bowel syndrome. Only 17 of 49 (35 percent) subjects without gastroesophogeal reflux disease had irritable bowel syndrome.

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