
Blood Levels of Immunosuppressives Higher Per Dose for Living Donor Liver Recipients

Liver Transplantation

By Mark Moran

Living donor liver transplant recipients achieved higher blood levels of immunosuppressive drugs for a given dose compared with cadaveric recipients. The difference appears to remain stable for up to six months after transplantation.

Overall blood levels of cyclosporine and tacrolimus per given dose were significantly higher for patients receiving liver transplants from living donors (LDLT) than for those who received cadaveric transplants (CAD), say researchers at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado, United States.

They compared immunosuppressive doses and levels in a cohort of 46 living donor liver transplant recipients and 66 matched cadaveric transplant recipients, every week for four weeks after surgery and monthly for six months. The ratio of level to dose also was recorded at each interval.

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