Retinoblastoma Rate Increased in Babies Born From in Vitro Fertilization

Investigators have noted an increase in the rate of retinoblastoma in babies born from in vitro fertilization (IVF), according to a report in the Jan. 25 issue of The Lancet. This may represent another potential hazard of assisted reproductive technology, along with imprinting errors reported last week.

But other experts involved in reviewing the health of these children have concerns about the study, and they suggest that the results should be treated with caution. “Whether treatment with ovulation-inducing drugs increases the risk of childhood cancer is an important matter, especially with the rising numbers of women undergoing treatment for subfertility,” lead author Annette C. Moll, MD, from VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, says in a news release. “Our finding requires further research to confirm the association and to explore a possible causal mechanism.”

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