הפחתת משקל ושיעורי שומן בפרט מפחיתים חומרה של GERD

מתוך אבסטרקט של מחקר שנעשה בחולי GERD עם השמנת יתר:

Gastro-oesophageal reflux is an obesity-related health risk assumed to improve after weight loss. Prolonged intragastric balloon distension might oppose this.

The purpose of the study was to investigate the prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux in untreated obese subjects and to study the consequences of weight loss with or without intragastric balloon treatment

A reduction in acid reflux was observed in sham-treated weight-losing subjects, whereas in balloon-treated subjects supine reflux and duration of the longest reflux increased. In the second 13-week period, the initially improved pH values worsened by balloon placement in sham-treated subjects.

 Values in balloon-balloon-treated subjects stabilized. After 52 weeks, acid reflux levelled off at pretreatment values and further improved after balloon removal. At these times, decreased visceral fat masses correlated significantly with diminished oesophageal exposure to acid.

 CONCLUSIONS: Obesity predisposed to gastro-oesophageal reflux. Body weight loss and, strikingly, visceral fat loss resulted in improved reflux parameters

לאבסטרקט – pubmed

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