Clinical Evaluation of Uveitis-Associated Secondary Glaucoma

Evaluation and management of intraocular pressure are critical in the treatment of patients with uveitis because of its possible association with secondary glaucoma.

 Japanese researchers found an incidence of secondary glaucoma of 18.3 percent among 1,604 eyes with uveitis, though the glaucoma differed depending upon the clinical entity of uveitis. Subjects in the study were 1,099 patients with uveitis (1,604 eyes) treated at the Miyata Eye Hospital, Miyakonojo, Miyazaki, Japan, between October 1974 and January 2000.

 Clinical data and data on intraocular pressure (IOP) were analyzed retrospectively. Secondary glaucoma was diagnosed in cases where IOP was higher than 21 mm Hg at two consecutive visits and medication was required.

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