Maternal Support Provides Emotional Security For Children Prenatally Exposed To Alcohol

A supportive presence by mothers of children who were exposed prenatally to alcohol may lead to improved levels of attachment.

 Young children, exposed prenatally to alcohol can present with insecurity, frustration and poor coping skills. The heavier the exposure is, the higher the negative effect and worse coping skills.

 Recent research suggests that the quality of emotional security provided by maternal support for these children can lead to improved levels of attachment and help to resolve the effects of prenatal exposure.

 Clinicians at the Department of Psychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles, United States recruited 42 mother- child couples to examine the association between prenatal exposure and attachment behaviour. The children were aged 4 and 5 years old, the majority of whom had a background of poverty and a single mother. The researchers used the Attachment Q-set to measure attachment security.

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