Patient Perceptions Vital In Continuing Antihypertensives

The way the risks and benefits of antihypertensives are presented to patients by doctors can affect how the patients take the medications.

 Researchers into primary care at the Institute of Health, Cambridge University, Cambridge, and at Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’s Hospital, London, England, point out that – taking into account definitions and measurements made in many studies – it is estimated 50 percent of people diagnosed with hypertension do not take the drugs they are prescribed.

Many patients taking drugs for chronic diseases make active decisions about their drugs, rather than being passive recipients of medical care, and they may draw on both medical and non-medical sources.

 Using two urban family practices, the researchers studied 38 patients who were receiving repeat prescriptions for antihypertensive medications. The patients were questioned about any reservations they had about taking antihypertensives.

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