Long-Term Raloxifene Effects Evaluated In Postmenopausal Women

Two possible explanations for the decrease of serum prolactin in postmenopausal women after long-term raloxifene have been suggested by researchers in Italy.

This decrease may be either a direct antioestrogenic effect of raloxifene on lactotrope cells or an increase of opiatergic tone on the hypothalamic pituitary region, report Dr A Lasco and colleagues from the University of Messina, Messina.

Raloxifene hydrochloride is a selective oestrogen receptor modulator recently approved for prevention of osteoporosis. These authors sought to evaluate the effects of six-month treatment with this agent on serum gonadotropin and prolactin (PRL) levels and on TRH-stimulated PRL responsiveness in women who have not had oestrogen replacement therapy. Sixteen healthy postmenopausal women averaging in their early 50s, and with a menopausal age in the early 40s, were divided into two groups on the basis of their bone status as

evaluated by DXA at the lumbar level.

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