Antibiotics May Reduce Stroke Risk

Antibiotics may reduce rate of carotid intima media thickening and hence stroke risk, based on a prospective, randomized trial reported in the Oct. 14 rapid access online publication of Circulation.

 The benefit was seen only in patients seropositive for Chlamydia pneumoniae (Cp). “Our data imply for the first time to our knowledge that antibiotic treatment in patients over age 55 with Cp antibodies and prevalent cerebrovascular disease is associated with a reduced progression of early stages of carotid atherosclerosis,” lead author Dirk Sander, MD, from the Technical University of Munich in Germany, says in a news release.

 This study used duplex ultrasonography of the common carotid artery to evaluate progression of the intima-to-media thickness (IMT) during two-year follow-up. Of 272 consecutive patients with ischemic stroke aged 55 years or older, IgG Cp antibodies were present at baseline in 123 (42%) patients and IgA Cp antibodies in 112 (41%) patients. Subjects were randomized to twice-daily, 150 mg treatment with roxithromycin or twice-daily placebo for 30 days.

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