Estradiol Acetate Vaginal Ring Accepted by Community Based Population of Women

An estradiol acetate vaginal ring delivering 50 µg of estradiol for three months is well-tolerated by a community-based population of postmenopausal women, a new study shows. In earlier studies Menoring, which is approved in the United Kingdom for the treatment of vasomotor and urogenital symptoms of menopause, was inserted and removed by a health care professional.

These studies showed that 50 percent of 199 women surveyed inserted the vaginal ring themselves and 68 percent removed it themselves at some point during the study, according to researcher H.M. Buckler, MD, FRCP, of the department of endocrinology at the University of Manchester and Hope Hospital in Manchester, United Kingdom.

The new study enrolled Women who had been treated for moderate-to-severe menopausal symptoms by their gynaecologist, gyneacology nurse or primary care physician. The women completed a 17-item, anonymous questionnaire after using the VR for three months. Questions focused on ease of insertion and removal, patient comfort and removal satisfaction.

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