Contraceptive Vaginal Ring Effective, Well-Tolerated, Convenient

The combined contraceptive vaginal ring was effective and well tolerated by both partners, according to results of a multicenter but not controlled trial reported in the September issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

 “The ring is an effective contraceptive with excellent cycle control that is convenient, well-tolerated, and highly acceptable to users,” write Thom O. M. Dieben, MD, from NV Organon in the Netherlands, and colleagues.

 In this one-year, multicenter study, 2,322 healthy women requesting contraception used the vaginal ring for three weeks of every four. Each ring released 120 mcg etonogestrel and 15 mcg ethinylestradiol daily. Compliance was 85.6%. There were 21 pregnancies, giving a Pearl Index of 1.18 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.73-1.80), but 11 of these pregnancies were attributed to noncompliance. For those patients with strict adherence to protocol, the Pearl Index was 0.77 (95% CI, 0.37-1.44).

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