New Overview Adds More Evidence For Safety Of Third Generation Oral Contraceptives

A new overview of studies of the Pill and the risk of heart attack, published today (Friday 30 August) in Europe’s leading reproductive medicine journal, Human Reproduction,* provides a reassuring picture of the safety of the third generation Pill.

 A joint Canadian-British** team aggregated seven recent epidemiological studies that investigated the risk of myocardial infarctions (MIs) in users of second and third generation oral contraceptives (OCs)***.

They used the well-established method of Petitti**** to derive pooled estimates. They concluded that the recent studies consistently demonstrated the increasing safety of both types of Pill – and the third generation Pills in particular – as far as heart attack risks are concerned.

 Lead investigator Professor Walter Spitzer of McGill University in Montreal, explained: “Recent controversies about OCs, in particular third generation OCs, have dwelt upon blood clots in the veins. Less attention has been paid to the safety record of newer OCs in respect to the arteries, and all except one of the recent studies lacked statistical power as stand-alone projects. So, we aggregated the findings of seven studies involving nearly 6,500 women since 1996.

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