Early Breast Cancer Increases Ovarian Cancer Risk

Laurie Barclay, MD Aug. 28, 2002 —

Retrospective data published in the Aug. 28 issue of The Lancet Online showed a significant risk of ovarian cancer in women with a history of early breast cancer. Those at highest risk were women with breast cancer before age 40 who also had a family history of ovarian cancer and/or breast cancer. Positive family history of ovarian cancer conferred almost a 10% risk of developing ovarian cancer before age 70.

“The clinical implications of our findings are not obvious, especially because there is no effective screening strategy for ovarian cancer,” lead author Kjell Bergfeldt, MD, from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, says in a news release. “However, provided that our results are confirmed by other investigators, they seem to allow identification, based on easily obtained clinical information, of a small subgroup of women with breast cancer who are at particularly high risk of ovarian cancer. In this subgroup, counselling, and perhaps even prophylactic oophorectomy, might be considered.”

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