עכברות בעלות רחם מושתל ניסויי הצליחו להוליד צאצאים בריאים -מה זה אומר לגבי נשים?

Mice with experimentally transplanted uteri have successfully carried pregnancies to term and produced healthy offspring, Swedish scientists report.

The research supports the feasibility that women who have had a hysterectomy or uterine problems may possibly complete a pregnancy with a transplanted uterus, although experts caution there are many obstacles to overcome before that becomes a reality.

“The model involved transplantation of the right uterine horn and the cervix by vascular anastomosis to a donor animal with the intact native uterus remaining in situ,” Dr. Mats Brannstrom from the Sahlgrenska Academy at Goteborg University and colleagues explain. This allowed them to compare the function of the transplanted uterus with the existing one.

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