Degree of Lamina Propria Inflammation Can Guide Collagenous Colitis Treatment

The degree of lamina propria inflammation in patients with collagenous colitis can be used as a histological predictor to guide treatment.

This was one of the findings of a study of 62 predominantly female patients with collagenous colitis (median age 58 years, range 20-85 years). The study was carried out by Dr. A. Abdo and colleagues at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, Canada. Patients came from three tertiary-care medical centres and were divided into three groups based on their response to therapy: spontaneous recovery or response to antidiarrheal agents alone; response to 5-ASA agents; and response to corticosteroids after failure of anti-diarrheal agents and 5-ASA.

The degree of lamina propria inflammation was the only histological parameter that significantly differed in the three response groups (p=0.007). Said Dr. Abdo, “Patients who required corticosteroids had greater inflammation.”

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