Cervicovaginal Fibronectin Test Can Predict Spontaneous Preterm Birth Risk

Cervicovaginal fetal fibronectin testing is most accurate in predicting spontaneous preterm birth if used within seven to 10 days of threatened preterm birth among symptomatic women before advanced cervical dilatation.

 This is shown by British and Swiss researchers in a wide ranging and systematic review of 64 primary studies–28 among asymptomatic women and 40 among symptomatic women — involving 26,876 women, to assess the accuracy of cervicovaginal fetal fibronectin testing to predict spontaneous preterm birth in women with or without symptoms of preterm labour. Researchers were from Birmingham Women’s Hospital, Birmingham, University of York, York, England, and the University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.

Spontaneous preterm birth occurs in 7-11 percent of pregnancies before 37 weeks’ gestation, and in 3-4 percent of pregnancies before 34 weeks’ gestation, the researchers note. Although advances in perinatal health care have not altered the incidences, effective management can reduce complications.

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