Cytoplasmic Protein Causes Breast Cancer Cells to Become Hormone Independent

– Upregulation of a newly identified protein, MTA1s (metastatic tumor antigen 1, short version) appears to be responsible for the conversion of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells to the more aggressive hormone-independent type, investigators from the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center report.

 When evaluating subclones of the MTA1 gene, Dr. Rakesh Kumar and associates identified MTA1s, which contains a previously unknown sequence of 33 amino acids with an estrogen receptor-binding motif. They describe their research in a letter to Nature for August 8.

The Houston-based researchers found that MTA1s was present at levels four times higher in estrogen receptor-negative tumors compared with those that are estrogen receptor positive. Unlike MTA1, the new protein is present in the cytoplasm rather than the nucleus. There, it apparently sequesters estrogen receptors and thus prevents ligand-induced nuclear translocation of estrogen receptors.

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