Low-Carb Diet Reduced Weight by 10% in 6-Month Study

July 19, 2002 —

At six months, a low-carbohydrate diet resulted in 10% reduction in body weight and significant improvement in lipid profile, as described in the July issue of the American Journal of Medicine.

 “While we’re impressed with the weight loss of this diet, we still are not sure about the safety of it,” lead author Eric C. Westman, MD, MHS, of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, says in a news release.

 “More studies need to be done in order to be confident about the long-term safety of this type of diet.” Westman’s group placed 51 overweight or obese healthy volunteers who wanted to lose weight on a very low carbohydrate diet (<25 g/d) with no limit on caloric intake. Subjects also received nutritional supplementation, recommendations about exercise, and participation in group meetings.

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