British Health Bodies Told to Balance Benefits of Losartan Against Costs

– The benefits of Merck’s Ace inhibitor Cozaar (losartan) in reducing cardiovascular mortality and morbidity should be balanced against increased prescribing costs and monitoring requirements, according to a report by Britain’s National Prescribing Centre (NPC).

 Like the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), the NPC was set up by the Department of Health to promote cost-effective prescribing.

Since its creation in 1996, it has reviewed numerous medicines in reports aimed at health authorities and primary care groups. The latest issue of its “MeReC Extra” publication focuses on the LIFE (losartan intervention for endpoint) study, the first randomised controlled trial to show that an angiotensin ll can reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in people with hypertension.

The results showed that patients in the losartan group had a lower risk of myocardial infarction and stroke than those in the atenolol group and that losartan was better tolerated.

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