Laparoscopy May Be Better Than Open Colectomy for Colon Cancer

June 28, 2002 —

In a randomized trial reported in the June 29 issue of The Lancet, laparoscopy-assisted colectomy (LAC) offered greater benefits than did open colectomy (OC) for colon cancer, suggesting that it might eventually become the new standard of care.

 “Our results show that LAC should be preferred to OC in patients with colon cancer because it reduces perioperative morbidity, shortens hospital stay, and prolongs cancer-related survival,” lead author Antonio M. Lacy, MD, from Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain, says in a news release.

 “This latter benefit was mainly due to differences in the subset of patients with stage III tumors, in whom LAC was also associated with lower tumor recurrence and longer overall survival.” In this study, 219 patients with colon cancer were randomized to treatment with either LAC or OC. Adjuvant therapy and postoperative follow-up were the same in both groups.

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