Black Cohosh Controls Menopausal Symptoms

June 24, 2002 —

Black cohosh was effective in controlling menopausal symptoms, according to a presentation on June 21 at Endo 2002, the 84th annual meeting of The Endocrine Society.

 In a double-blind study comparing the phytoestrogen to placebo and to conjugated equine estrogen, it had favorable estrogenic effects on bone and lipids but no effect on the uterus. “Extracts of the rhizome of black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) are traditionally used to treat climacteric complaints,” write Wolfgang Wuttke and colleagues from the University of Goettingen in Germany.

 “Little is known whether [black cohosh] preparations have effects on other than climacteric complaints such as osteoporosis and lipid metabolism.”

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