ADA: Post-Challenge Glucose Levels Correlated Directly to Cardiovascular Outcomes

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — June 19, 2002 —

Effective treatment of elevated post-challenge glucose (PCG) levels in hyperglycemic patients may reduce cardiovascular disease and mortality associated with type 2 diabetes.

Hyperglycemia has been shown in prior research to add significantly to adverse outcomes associated with type 2 diabetes. Recent studies have indicated that higher than normal PCG may be an independent factor associated with morbidity and mortality.

The investigators undertook a review of published data to evaluate the association of elevated PCG levels with cardiovascular outcomes and all-cause mortality in type 2 diabetes and to establish the strength of this association in comparison to fasting blood glucose (FPG) levels. They conducted a MEDLINE search of English-language articles published from 1980-2001, supplemented by a search of bibliographies and references supplied by content experts. They used specific criteria to find articles addressing the association of PCG and cardiovascular morbidity/mortality and/or all-cause mortality. They found 4,242 pertinent references in the literature.

They finally accepted 14 studies for the review, 12 prospective and 2 cross-sectional.

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