New Study Reaffirms That CO2 Laser Revascularization Provides Long-Term Angina Relief For Cardiac Patients

FRANKLIN, MA. — June 12, 2002 —

PLC Systems Inc., the leader in carbon dioxide (CO2) Laser Revascularization technology used to treat patients with severe angina, or heart pain, today announced that a study published in the May 15, 2002 issue of the Journal of American College of Cardiology further supports previously published long-term angina relief data resulting from the CO2 Laser Revascularization therapy.

 This study is the second peer-reviewed and published paper to affirm the successful long-term efficacy of CO2 Laser Revascularization, more generally known as CO2 Transmyocardial Revascularization (TMR). “Heart patients treated with the CO2 TMR therapy reported continued angina relief for three to five years,” said Dr. Lars Aaberge, lead author of the study and chief of the cardiology department at Feiring Heart Center, Oslo, Norway.

“There is significant symptomatic benefit for CO2 TMR patients. In addition, the study demonstrated a reduction in the number of hospitalizations due to unstable angina for treated patients compared to the medically managed- only group, which could be an economic benefit.” The study entitled, “Continued Symptomatic Improvement Three to Five Years After Transmyocardial Revascularization With CO2 Laser,” is a clinical follow- up of a Norwegian randomized trial.

 The trial enrolled 100 patients; these patients were 1-to-1 randomized to receive continued medical treatment alone or in combination with CO2 TMR in a non-crossover design. The Norwegian trial was an independent study that concluded, “43 months after TMR, angina symptoms and hospitalizations due to unstable angina were significantly reduced.” Cardiac patients who have received CO2 TMR are experiencing excellent long- term clinical benefits. On September 18, 2001, data from the first multi-center, long-term study on the efficacy of CO2 TMR was published in Circulation, the official journal of the American Heart Association.

The study demonstrated that TMR performed with a CO2 Heart Laser provides significant long-term angina relief beyond five years. “Angina is a debilitating condition that often decreases a heart patient’s quality of life,” said Dr. Robert Rudko, PLC Systems’ chief scientific officer.

“During the past eight years, we have witnessed first-hand the benefits that the CO2 Laser Revascularization therapy provides cardiac patients. We are pleased to deliver to the cardiovascular market this additional supporting clinical data, which should assist in the adoption of the CO2 TMR therapy.

PLC’s CO2 TMR surgical approach has improved the quality of life for thousands of patients suffering from debilitating angina; these long-term results confirm our belief that the CO2 Heart Laser provides a superior technology for TMR.”

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