Predictive Parameters For Coronary Artery Disease Need Redefinition In Young Versus Elderly Patients

Biostatistical parameters for predicting important coronary artery disease by conventional treadmill testing and stress thallium-201 scintigraphy need redefinition between elderly and younger patients.

 Negative results in both tests nearly excludes important coronary artery disease in patients younger than 65 years, but not in older patients who still display a significant proportion of important coronary artery disease – even after negative test results.

 Also, equivocal results in these tests still indicate a significant possibility of important coronary artery disease in patients older than 65 years.

 This is not true, however, in younger patients. Important coronary artery disease is defined here as significant left main stem stenosis with or without disease elsewhere, proximal three-vessel disease, three-vessel disease including the proximal left anterior descending artery, proximal two-vessel disease including the left anterior descending artery and two-vessel disease including the proximal left anterior descending artery, explain investigators from the Hippokration Hospital of Thessaloniki and the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki in Thessaloniki, Greece.

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