ASCRS: Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy Less Painful, Offers Shorter Hospital Stay than Ultrasonic Dissection or Diathermy

CHICAGO, IL — June 7, 2002 —

A comparison of the three common methods of hemorrhoidectomy — stapling, ultrasonic dissection, and diathermy — suggests stapling is the least painful and offers the shortest hospital stays.

Ki-Yeon Lee, MD, PhD, and colleagues at Kyung-Hee University in Seoul, Korea, presented the findings at the annual meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) by Dr. Lee and colleagues followed 150 consecutive patients treated by the same surgeon, with 50 patients receiving each of the three treatments.

 Results showed that hospital stay was 1.6 days for stapling, 1.7 days for ultrasonic dissection, and 2.8 days for diathermy.

Operative time was likewise shortest for stapling and longest for diathermy. And on each of the first seven postoperative days, pain was greatest for diathermy and least for stapling.

The mean number of piroxicam 20 mg tablets taken for pain relief was 0.3 for stapling, 1.9 for ultrasonic dissection, and 3.1 for diathermy.

Patient satisfaction, evaluated using an analog scale on day 7, was 8.2 for stapling, 6.2 for ultrasonic dissection, and 5.2 for diathermy.

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