Poor Response To Ovarian Hyperstimulation And Early Ovarian Failure Strongly Linked

Human Reproduction

By David Loshak

There is a strong link between an extremely poor response to ovarian hyperstimulation and early ovarian failure among infertile women.

In vitro fertilisation specialists at Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College, London, England, carried out a controlled retrospective cohort study investigate if non-response to ovarian stimulation was linked to early ovarian failure. This followed a previous observation that 12 infertile women who had a normal baseline hormonal profile and did not respond to repeated ovarian stimulation with gonadotrophins developed ovarian failure within a few months,

The specialists asked all women, aged 35-40 years, who had cancelled in vitro fertilisation cycles for non-response at their centre between 1991 and 1993 to report on whether they had developed menopausal symptoms, had entered menopause or had started on hormone replacement therapy. A control group consisted of similarly aged women with similar medical histories who had in vitro fertilisation in the same years but responded well.

Of 12 women who showed non-response, 11 developed menopausal symptoms within seven years whereas only four of 24 women in the control group did so.

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