“Medical Professionalism, Knowledge, Information and Technology”

The Galil Center for Telemedicine and Medical Informatics &
The Israel Association for Medical Informatics

Are pleased to announce a symposium on the subject of
Medical Professionalism, Knowledge, Information and Technology to be held on Sunday December 30th
The Red Hall AuditoriumThe Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine Building Bat Galim, Haifa

Chairman: David Goldenberg (Israel)
Speakers: Stefan Darmoni (France), Jacob Steif (Canada), Doron Netzer (Israel),
Eldar Berkovits (Israel)

8:45-9:00 – Opening remarks:
Mr. Uzia Galil Founder, Galil Center.
Prof. Raphael Beyar – Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Technion.
Dr. Batami Sadan – President, The Israel Association for Medical Informatics
Dr. Shmuel Reis – Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Technion
Dr. David Goldenberg – Galil Center, Faculty of Medicine, Technion

9:00- 9:45 – Information Retrieval & Quality of Health Information on the
Internet – Stefan Darmoni
9:45-10:30 – The Competent Modern Physician: Information, Knowledge and
Values – Doron Netzer & Eldar Berkovits.

10:30-11:00 – Coffee Break

11:00-11:45 – Reforming the Health Care System: The Knowledge Connection
Jacob Steif
11:45-12:30 – The electronic Medical record – Stefan Darmoni

12:30-12:45 – General discussion: speakers and audience

Symposium Organizers:
Dr. David Goldenberg Coordinator ,Galil Center.
Dr. Batami Sadan- President, The Israel Association for Medical Informatics
Dr. Shmuel Reis- Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Technion
Prof. Raphael Beyar-Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Technion

Jacob Steif, PhD
Adjunct Professor
Division of Management Information Systems
Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration
University of British Columbia

Stefan J. Darmoni, MD, PhD
Advanced Technologies Manager, Computing and Networks Department,
Rouen University Hospital, 1 rue de Germont, 76031 Rouen Cedex, France
Associate Professor of Medical Informatics, Rouen Medical School
Member of the Perception System Information Lab

Doron Netzer, MD
Department of Family Medicine, Haifa
Medical Director, Golden Hour Ltd.

Eldar Berkovits, MD
Department of Family Medicine, Haifa
CEO, Golden Hour Ltd.

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